Wednesday: MSG Sphere Experience
Wednesday, Feb. 28 - 9:30 PM to 11:30 PM
If you'd like to attend director Darren Aronofksy‘s Postcard from Earth show at the new MSG Sphere, the van line is offering the opportunity at the Wednesday, February 28th 9:30-11:30 PM showing. Attendees will be charged alongside their registration fee if they opt into the Sphere Experience. Seats with the group are guaranteed in section 204.
According to the LA Times:
Any visit to the Sphere — a.k.a. “the Sphere Experience” — includes time built in to wander about the multi-story atrium, whose highly reflective interiors suggest the sleek sets of late “Star Trek” movies and the blue-light aesthetics of Disney’s “Tron” films. Welcoming visitors to the space are five A.I.-powered robots named Aura, which can say your name, engage in basic conversation or offer explainers on topics such as directional audio and the building’s engineering.
As soon as you enter the venue, The Sphere Experience begins for guests to explore and interact with the immersive technology experiences in the Atrium. Seating for Postcard from Earth in the main venue bowl begins approximately 40 minutes after the time listed on your ticket.
For example, with a 9:30 PM ticket to The Sphere Experience, the interactive portion in the Atrium begins at 9:30 PM, and seating for Postcard from Earth begins at approximately 10:10pm, for an approximate 10:30 PM start time.